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  1. A metodologia de Lamarck.Lilian Al-Chueyr Pereira Martins & Roberto de Andrade Martins - 1996 - Trans/Form/Ação 19:115-140.
    This paper studies Lamarck's scientific method both from the point of view of his methodological discourse and according to his scientific praxis. Lamarck's methodology is compared to Condillac's as well as to that of the idéologues - a group in which Lamarck is usually included. The analysis of this paper shows that Lamarck's methodological discourse is very similar to Condillac's, but his scientific praxis does not follow this view. Instead of following an empiricist approach, Lamarck's work is grounded upon general (...)
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    Filosofia e História da Ciência no Cone Sul. 3o Encontro.Roberto de Andrade Martins, Lilian Al-Chueyr Pereira Martins, Cibelle Celestino Silva & Juliana Mesquita Hidalgo Ferreira (eds.) - 2008 - Associação de Filosofia e História da Ciência do Cone Sul, AFHIC.
    A selection of papers presented at the III South Cone Meeting of Philosophy and History of Science. Papers are in Portuguese and Spanish.
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  3. Thomas Hunt Morgan ea teoria cromossômica: de crítico a defensor.Lilian Al-Chueyr Pereira Martins - 1998 - Episteme 3 (6):100-126.
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  4. William Bateson: da evolução à genética.Lilian Al-Chueyr Pereira Martins - 1999 - Episteme 8:67-88.
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  5. Bateson eo programa de pesquisa mendeliano.Lilian Al-Chueyr Pereira Martins - 2002 - Episteme 14:27-55.
    Em 1866, Johan Gregor Mendel publicou um artigo sobre os padrões que governam a formação de híbridos, baseando-se principalmente em estudos de cruzamentos experimentais de ervilhas do gênero Pisum. Segundo alguns historiadores da ciência, esse trabalho foi ‘redescoberto’ em 1900, estimulando uma série de pesquisas que procuravam verificar se padrões hereditários descobertos em Pisum se aplicavam a outros organismos. O objetivo deste artigo é discutir algumas das contribuições de William Bateson em relação ao teste e divulgação dos princípios de Mendel, (...)
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    Filosofia e História da Biologia.Antonio Carlos Sequeira Fernandes, Ricardo Pereira, Ismar de Souza Carvalho, Débora de Almeida Azevedo, Fernando Dias de Avila-Pires, Gerda Maísa Jensen, Maria Elice Brzezinski Prestes, Lilian Al-Chueyr Pereira Martins, Lourdes Della Justina & Ana Maria de Andrade Caldeira - 2010 - Filosofia 5 (1).
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    Acceptación o rechazo de las hipótesis o teorías: un nuevo método de análisis.Lilian Al-Chueyr Pereira Martins & Roberto de Andrade Martins - 1999 - Epistemologia E Historia de la Ciencia 5:273-280.
    Although historians and philosophers of science usually try to explain the acceptance or rejection of hypotheses or theories by scientists, there are no well definite criteria to evaluate when a scientist accepts or rejects a theory/hypothesis. This work proposes a new method of analysis. The attitudes of scientists towards a theory or hypothesis are classified according to three dimensions (cognitive, instrumental and strategic). This method is exemplified by the study of the attitude of the British naturalist William Bateson (1861-1924) towards (...)
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    Edmund Becher Wilson’s Early Contributions to the Chromosome Theory of Heredity: A Case Study of Instrumentalism in Science.Lilian Al-Chueyr Pereira Martins - 2015 - Philosophy Study 5 (9).
    The chromosome theory of inheritance was established during the three first decades of the 20th century. During the early stage of its substantiating, there were lots of puzzles and little evidence that could validate it. The cytological processes were obscure and several scientists maintained serious doubts concerning the existence of a connection between Mendel’s principles and the behaviour of chromosomes during cell division. It was vital to associate an external, observable characteristic of the organism to a specific chromosome, and this (...)
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    Filosofia E História da Ciência no Cone Sul. Seleção de Trabalhos do 5o Encontro.Roberto de Andrade Martins, Cibelle Celestino Silva, Juliana Mesquita Hidalgo Ferreira & Lilian Al-Chueyr Pereira Martins (eds.) - 2008 - Associação de Filosofia e História da Ciência do Cone Sul, AFHIC.
    This book contains a selection of papers presented at the V South Cone Meeting of Philosophy and History of Science. The language of the chapters is Portuguese, Spanish or English. Published by the South Cone Association for Philosophy and History of Science, www.afhic.org.
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    Lamarck’s method and metaphysics.Lilian Al-Chueyr Pereira Martins & Roberto de Andrade Martins - 1996 - Jahrbuch Für Geschichte Und Theorie der Biologie 3:181-199.
    Lamarck's evolutionary theory has been regarded as groundless speculation by both coeval naturalists and modern historians of science. Lamarck is usually regarded as belonging to the group of the " idéologues" – followers of Condillac, with a strong empiricist outlook. Indeed, Lamarck refers respectfully to Condillac, and in his methodological discourse presents himself as an empiricist. However, if one compares his evolutionary theory with the empiricist requirements, Lamarck's work should be dismissed as groundless – a mere metaphysical " système" – (...)
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    Um método para detectar a aceitação ou rejeição de hipóteses ou teorias: Morgan e a Teoria Cromossômica.Lilian Al-Chueyr Pereira Martins & Maria Elice Brzezinski Prestes - 2013 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 25 (36):107.
    Filósofos e historiadores da ciência oferecem explicações para cientistas aceitarem ou rejeitaremuma dada hipótese ou teoria, mas, de um modo geral, não apresentam critérios que permitamdeterminar de maneira clara o que seja aceitação e o que seja rejeição. Com o intuitode contribuir para elucidar este problema, foi proposto um método de análise em Martinse Martins, exemplificado pelo posicionamento do naturalista inglês William Bateson diante da teoria cromossômica, no período compreendido entre 1902 e 1926.O objetivo deste artigo é aplicar o método (...)
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    O equilíbrio pontuado: proposta, fundamentação e recepção (1972-1993).Gabriel Vanzo Rodrigues & Lilian Al-Chueyr Pereira Martins - 2024 - Filosofia E História da Biologia 19 (2):101-128.
    The scarcity of transitional forms in the geological record was a problem concerning 19th-century transmutation species theories. According to Charles Robert Darwin (1809-1882), it was perhaps the most serious objection to his proposed theory in the several Editions of The Origin of Species, departing 1859. Although Darwin and other scholars proposed explanations, this problem persisted until the 20th century in the Modern Synthesis. In the 1970s, two American palaeontologists, Niles Eldredge and Stephen Jay Gould (1941-2002), presented the punctuated equilibrium hypothesis (...)
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